Extract from The Turing Test (2012)
Sarah needs a job, to pay back her rent arrears. Andrew builds computer programs that impersonate human beings. As the world of automated, service-sector work closes in around her, Sarah seeks a means of escape – and a way to prove she's still a human being...
Written and Directed by Edwin Mingard and starring Lucy May Barker, THE TURING TEST is a comic short film about a young woman's attempt to find her way in a world dominated by commercial transactions and automation.
The Turing Test explores ideas raised by the Imitation Game, or Turing Test, proposed by Alan Turing in Computing Machinery and Intelligence (1950). The film plays with the idea that in order for a machine to win the Turing Test, a human being must lose it – thereby being robbed of one measure of humanity.
Funded and supported by the BFI and Northern Film+Media
Sarah: Lucy May Barker
Andrew: Kevin Varty
Ian: Alan Renwick
Steve: Steffen Peddie
Director: Edwin Mingard
Screenplay: Edwin Mingard
Producer: Michael Gandham
Composer: Frànçois Marry
Cinematographer: Kyle Heslop
Editor: Ben Wilson
Sound Designer: Aris Anastassopoulos
Art Director: Kate Eccles